First Week of .Net

Eric Coker
Apr 5, 2021
  1. Discuss in words something you learned in class today or this week.

Re: I learned the uses of PostMan and the HttpGet/Post Functions.

2. What is ASP.Net? Describe in your words what it is and why it was created.

Re: Asp.Net is a frame work allows us to create dynamic websites easily and very functionally.

3. What’s the use of Response.Output.Write()? When and why would you use it?

Re: its used to display formatted text, you would use it for something like posting or editing on your API.

4. In which event of page cycle is the ViewState available?

Re: OnPreLoad event of the page.

5. From which base class all Web Forms are inherited?

Re: page class.

6. What are the parts of Entity Data Model (EDM)?

Re: Conceptual model, Mapping and Storage model.

